The Nickerson DCM 10 is a mobile floor standing electric powered machine designed to de-culm i.e. remove rootlet from dried malted barley.
The DCM 10 can de-culm 10 x 200 gms individual malted barley samples at the same time. Loading and unloading of the DCM 10 without sample mixing is achieved with the DCM 10 switched off and the de-culming chamber inverted. Individual sample containers with up to 200 gms of malted barley are screwed upright into the de-culming chamber cover, which is divided into 10 individual chambers. The DCM 10 is started and the de-culming chamber turned upright. This feeds the 10 rotors all at the same time and after a pre-determined time, the de-culming chamber is inverted again and the de-culmed samples return to their individual sample container.
De-culming of the dried malted barley in the 10 individual cylinder chambers is achieved by rubber tipped rotors gently rubbing the malted barley against the inner wall of the stainless steel wire mesh cylinder leaving the de-culmed malted barley inside the individual cylinder chambers. Afte de-culming, the individual samples are returned to the individual containers from which tey were loaded ready for further laboratory testing.
De-culming Cylinder:
Top Tray:
Bottom Tray:
Binbrook Hill |
Binbrook |
LN8 6BL |
Lincolnshire |
+44 (0)1472 398 498 |
Copyright © Nickerson Brothers Ltd. 2025 All rights reserved |
Company No. 01935311 |